
April Fools' Day Around the World

March 26, 2015
April Fools' Day, also known as All Fools Day, is a day of jokes, hoaxes and friendly tricks played on friends and family. Countries throughout the world have different traditions associated with this day. In the United Kingdom and Australia, tricks and hoaxes can only be played until noon. Anyone trying play a trick after noon is called an "April Fool".

In France, the day is know as Poisson d'Avril. Many believe that the tradition began in France in the 16th century after King Charles XIV changed the calendar so the new year began on January 1st instead of April 1st. Since messages and news typically took months, even years to, spread, many continued to follow the old calendar and celebrate the new year on April 1st. Those behind the timed were teased and referred to as fools; hence, April Fools' Day.

Children in France cut out a fish shapes from paper and attempt to tape them on the backs of their "victim". When the person realizes they have the fish taped on their back, they are declared, Poisson d'Avril or the April Fish. Children are often given chocolates and other candies in the shape of fish on this day from their parents as treats. It is thought the that fish symbol is related somehow to the zodiac sign for Pisces.

April Fools Day Fun with the Family
  • Sneak some gummy fish into the kids' lunches
  • Cut out and tape paper fish to the backs of their chairs for them to find when they get home from school
  • Make the Meatloaf Cake recipe for dinner
  • Place a couple drops of food coloring in bottom of cereal bowl, top with cereal. When milk is poured in, it will change color for a fun surprise
  • Before the kids get up, place a couple drops of red and blue food coloring into the toilet for a puzzling purple bowl
  • Serve a backwards dinner, start with dessert and end with the salad
  • After little kids fall asleep, switch their beds so they wake up in the wrong room
  • Tie a couple pairs of dad's shoes together by the laces so when he grabs one shoe, he gets four