
Hey, Jeremy Piven...

What's with all the different hairlines?

August 9, 2009


Jeremy Piven's severe mercury poisoning has interrupted his career, but he hasn't let balding slow him down. He bared his rapidly receding hairline onscreen in the 1990s, then took to masking it with a series of toupees of varying shapes and fullness.

Hey, balding or not, I just LOVE Jeremy Piven, his puppy dog brown eyes, his crazy energy, his impish smile. I even saw him crossing Third Ave with some Hollywood socialite back when I lived in NYC. His character, Ari, totally makes Entourage worth watching each week! I think I may have a thing for jerky, neurotic, balding Jewish men--my favorite character on Seinfeld was George and I actually thought Jason Alexander was cute. I even dated a guy that looked like him. But then again, I went on a date with a guy who looked just like Jerry Seinfeld too! And come to think of it, I went on a date with a guy who resembled Jeremy Piven. Sorry to bring this up Russell. Amazingly, my husband Russell has a full head of hair and is not a jerk (well...most of the time anyway)! But Russell does have the crazy energy and impish smile going for him!

Anyway, Jeremy Piven just turned 44, and after watching his rug make an appearance on Conan last week, The Huffington Post decided it was time to take a look back at his ever-changing hairline. Which looks do you think suit him best? And as a great time waster, you can pick your favorite Jeremy Piven hairline at: . I choose photo #12 in which he is next to Eva Longoria. Maybe she helps him look better!