
Tiana Smoothie or Shrek Shake...

Get your kids to eat spinach!

By Merri Cohen/Diana Reul Shapiro January 23, 2015
A note from my sister-in-law Diana (also a Macaroni Mom Publisher in Washington State!):

My doctor told me about this recipe for Alexis (she doesn't eat veggies anymore).  I gave her the shake today, which Alexis calls "Tiana Smoothie" (the princess from The Princess & the Frog is Tiana)...she LOVED fact she said "This is YUMMY, thank you mommy!"  She is PICKY, so if it passed her test, it may be something you want to try at your home!!!

Hmm, let's see if Jake--the world's fussiest eater and Alexis's first cousin--will like it too. Will keep you posted.

Tiana Smoothie or Shrek Shake

  • 1-3 cups spinach (I just used the bag spinach)
  • 1 scoop protein powder (I used chocolate)
  • 1 banana
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 cup frozen fruit
  • Add ice if desired or tablespoon of OJ concentrate

Blend in blender! It's that easy!